About Me

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I came to residential Real Estate just a bit under 10 years ago, after having been very successful in other ventures...I've been a senior excutive with 2 public companies, an art publisher, I've owned a small TV station, I've been an apparel designer...and have been befriended by International acknowledged Artists like LeRoy Neiman, Erte, Yaccov Agam, Lebadang, and Leonardo Nierman...I've made presentations to Captains of Industry like Steve Wynn, Merv Griffin, and former Air Force Chief of Staff General McPeak. So I've seen and done alot...and today, after a serious health challenge, I'm a Realtor on Chicago's North Shore, but upon reflection, but Real Estate may well be the most rewarding of all of my endeavors, except for being a Grandfather to 2 beautiful children. Professionally, I thrive upon 'HELPING MAKE DREAMS COME TRUE'.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009



Today was a combination of 3 or 4 tasks all of which were Real Estate related, in one way or another.

As disclosed in yesterday's BLOG, I spent the morning hours being interviewed by a reporter and her camera man from one of the Real Estate networks...it was a fun way to field questions about how and what I do to separate myself from the other 3000+ North Shore agents. The network people are going to provide me video files that can be linked to some of the social network vehicles like FACE BOOK and LINKED-IN. The files will also be posted to YouTube within the next few days. I really would appreciate any comments once posted, which should be mid-next week...critical or complimentary. So, fire away...I'd appreciate your candor(within limits). If I came out looking good, then I'll also post the interview to my website, this blog and my property listings.

During the rest of the day, I had occasion to try to explain to some sellers what they could do to help stimulate new buyer interest in their homes...2 of the questionnaires were not MY clients, so the answers given them were most sensitive to my ethical responsibilities as outlined by OUR 'code of conduct'. Candidly, I suggested that they talk to to their agents ...giving advise to someone else's clients is a slippery slope from which I plan to stay away, as should any responsible Realtor.

3rdly...I Took another rental listing.

A closing thought... Now is really a great time to buy a home. Interest rates for a 30 year fixed mortgage are at their lowest levels since last May. According to Freddie Mac the average rate hovers around 5.125%...but you should check out that rate with YOUR mortgage supplier. The 5/1 adjustable ARM which offers a fixed rate for 5 years and then adjusts was 4.75.according to Freddie Mac..a low water mark since January 2005. Again...check with your mortgage people!

A 2nd reason is tied to the 1st time home buyers tax credit. Unless extended , it goes away in December...but the definition of a 1st time home buyer and income limits are clearly spelled out. If you or someone you know on the Shore has any questions, I'm but a telephone call/e-mail away.

Food for thought...

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